Posted: April 18, 2013

It is outside my wheelhouse but I could not let the tragic events of this week in Boston and West pass without thought. It is unfortunate that the world we live in gives rise to such events, but those things are out of our control. What we can control is our response to them. In a world where most day to day events lead me to believe the worst of humanity, it is ironic that events such as these serve to restore my belief in the good. The tales of heroism and selflessness coming out of Boston (and I am sure we will be hearing from West as well) serve to restore my faith in humanity and the people of the United States of America.

There are a lot of things wrong with sport. As sports fans we chose to focus on the positive aspects, but if we are honest with ourselves, we know that some of it sits on a somewhat murky underground. But in times of national tragedy, sport is what galvanizes this country. It gives us the arenas, stadiums, and other venues and events where we can congregate to cry and heal together. If the national anthem prior to the Boston Bruin game last night did not bring a tear to your eye than nothing will. That game gave the community of Boston the opportunity to come together, rise up, and in their own way say to whoever was responsible for the bombing that you may have done harm, but you have not shaken our resolve and we stand united against you and everything you stand for. For good or bad, there is little else in our society that can achieve that. In the grand scheme of these tragic events, sports is irrelevant but the opportunities it provides to coalesce is invaluable.

We will continue to see stories both within the sports world and outside of it, of people doing amazing things to offer assistance and show their support for the communities of Boston and West. I have included links below to just a few of them. It is the reaction of people to such tragic events that gives me just a glimmer of hope that this world may end up being a better world for my children, but it is rather unfortunate that it takes such tragedy to give rise to that belief. Maybe if we could incorporate a little of that into our daily life, we could make this already great country just that much better. And I wish I could be a little less guilty of this myself.

Boston Bruins National Anthem

Boston Bruin Tribute Video

UMass Boston Marathon Finish Line

Yankees Sweet Caroline

Baylor University Support