How will we do this?
How will we do this?
Simply put, we WILL attend a a college football game at all 130 Division I-A (FBS) home stadiums.
Our goal is to visit 4-5 stadiums per year, making this a 30 year or so Quest.
To experience the pageantry that is college football all over this great nation. Plus, college football is simply awesome!


I (Jarrett) am an avid Florida Gator fan who makes an annual trip to Gainesville each year for a Gator football game. It is my desire to not allow this quest to interfere with my ability to follow my beloved Gators. Given this desire, quest trips will be scheduled on weekends where the Florida Gators are either on an off-week or playing an easier opponent in a game that I do not mind missing should game times conflict.

Given the above, trips will be chosen based on the following factors:

* Gator schedule
* Expected national significance
* Special invitations
* Schools we want to either root for or against
* Attempt to spread trips over the entire college football season


* Kids activities
* The whims of our wives
* Work schedule and travel

An important consideration will be to accommodate our supportive wives and kids, which means attempting to minimize the number of days traveling and spreading the trips out across the entire football season. For this reason, we will target  a mid week game each year to minimize family disruption.

All The Fun Details

After each trip, we will post all the fun details, stats, photos, etc. about each stadium, game, and trip. All the games attended, all stadiums, and all games we have been to, can be found under Trip Games. The stats and a write-up about each trip can be further found under the Trip Reports & Photos link next to each game or stadium.


Are We Coming To You?

We enjoy meeting lots of different people along this journey and we are always looking to spend time with other college football fans, even those that are fans of rival schools. If we are coming to your school and you would like to show us around, have a beer, and/or talk football, please Contact Us. We would love to see your school through local eyes, as that is a large part of the excitement in this for us.

You can also just drop us an Email to tell us about any school traditions, local hangouts, or anything else that would give us the flavor of your school.